Sunday, May 20, 2007
Sisterhood is Forever!
I hear a lot that friendship, sisterhood, brotherhood is forever and that it's there through thick and thin. But how do you communicate when your friends are spread out through the country, busy with their work and relationships?
Well I've done some searching and found some new and classic ways to keep in touch with those friends.
1. Email. After the hundreds of emails you receive from professors, GTF's and potential employers throughout college, you tend to forget you can communicate with friends. Email's are a great and free way to send out a message to all your friends. They also provide a way to send out a lot of information, pictures and messages in the click of a button.
2. Blogs. It's amazing what people will read, especially your friends. A blog is another easy way to keep your friends in-touch with what you are doing, and what you think about current issues. You can also post pictures and videos and link to other blogs (maybe your friends) for people to read.
3. Texting. Now if you don't know how or don't text, you might be behind the times. For short messages or little bites of information texting is perfect. I happen to love texting and text more than I call people on my phone. Most new versions of cell phone's have great texting plans and capabilities - like adding photos - and allow you to let your friends know you just wanted to say hi!
4. Mail. Yes real, on a piece of paper mail. Most people don't think to use this form of communication anymore, but it is still a great form of communication. It's personal and lets the person you are writing to know that you took some time to think about what you are writing and about them. Letter's are great to send after interviews, after you accept a job offer, receive gifts or just fill your friend in on your life.
5. Meet up! Nothing is better then a reunion with your friends after not seeing each other for long periods of time. Old stories, fun nights out and new memories are all benefits of seeing people face to face. Take time to see each other and catch up.
So those are five ways I think are great to keep up with your friends. My thoughts for these came after realizing that I only have 2 1/2 more weeks with my fabulous 6 roommates. Over the past four years we have gone through our sorority together, traveled and had more fun than I can remember. And after thinking about the short time we have left, we began thinking about how we could keep in touch with each other.